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Conservation Commission 02/08/11
Conservation Commission
February 8, 2011
Approved March 8, 2011

Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Eric Unger, Vice-Chair; Chuck Crickman,  Members; Bill Annable, Frank Perrotta, Alternates;  Dick Wright, Ex-Officio.

Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.


The Commission reviewed the minutes of January 11, 2011 and made corrections. Mr. Wright made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Mr. Unger seconded the motion. All in favor.


There were no Intents to Cut to report.


Ms. Holmes reviewed five Shoreland Impact Permits from the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES) and three application letters from the DES (see Attachment). Ms. Holmes noted that three “DES Letter to the Applicant” were sent to:  the Waldeck Revocable Trust, Laurel and Martha Matthews, and Alan/Kristen Retter.


Colby-Sawyer Conservation Meeting
Mr. Perrotta shared information with the Commission concerning the 2011 Community-Based Research Project conducted by Colby-Sawyer students and members of the Ausbon Sargent Lands Committee to develop a region-wide conservation plan. The results of the research will be presented publically at the college in April. Additional presentations will be available for town boards.

Trail Map
Mr. Perrotta reported that the Trail Map insert was printed and inserted in the existing Trail Maps that were placed in the library, the Bait Shop, Bubba’s Restaurant and at the Quick Stop.

There was considerable disagreement between Mr. Perrotta and Mr. Crickman concerning how the information on the insert was laid out and folded. Ms. Holmes reminded them that the Trail Map and its insert was intended to be a collaborative effort of the Commission and that the project is representative of the entire Commission, not just one or two individuals.  
Mr. Wright referred to the minutes of January 11, 2011 and read the following: “Mr. Perrotta presented the insert as a dual fold and Mr. Crickman presented the insert laid out as a tri-fold. The Commissioners indicated a preference for the tri-fold layout.”

Mr. Perrotta agreed to uphold the Commissioners’ preference.

Baker Hill Golf Course
Ms. Holmes noted that the Planning Board meeting on February 15, 2011 included a final site plan review for an expanded parking lot for Baker Hill Golf Course and indicated that the Conservation Commission did not have the opportunity to review the proposed plan.

Mr. Wright said it was the purview of the Code Enforcement Officer regarding the proposed plans. Ms. Holmes indicated that the Commission should review the activity at Baker Hill Golf Course.    

Andrew Brook Trail
Ms. Holmes reviewed the status of the proposed Andrew Brook Trailhead project resulting from the 75 acre land grand made to the Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust (ASLPT) by the Goubert family. She said there is the possibility of a grant that would be applied towards the costs of the parking lot at the trail head and that ASLPT is in contact with the Town Administrator regarding that.

There was discussion concerning the next step, the possibility of having visioning meetings, and the necessity of involving the Forest Society in the planning process.

Mr. Perrotta said that Craig Sanborn, a trail-design and maintenance specialist, has walked the area and has laid out the route of the new trail, from the Goubert lot onto the State Park land and intersecting the existing Andrew Brook Trail. The route is marked with orange flagging.

Mr. Wright discussed the potential costs involved in establishing the parking lot, noting the project would require excavation work, borings to determine the degree of rock, ledge and soil types involved and a determination of how to manage the amount of water in the new trail spur. He said the project could easily cost $15,000 - $20,000 to complete.

Ms. Holmes said ASLPT does not intend to move into the project quickly and that ongoing discussions about how to proceed are appropriate at this stage in the process.


2011 Conservation Commission Workshops
Ms. Holmes discussed the possibility of developing educational workshops this year offering town residents up-to-date information on conservation topics affecting their property. Organized and sponsored by the Conservation Commission, the topics might include landscaping, understanding the Shoreland Protection Act, information on farming and/or forest laws.

Additional ideas for outreach programs were discussed.

Mr. Wright suggested a joint event such as inviting neighboring towns to co-sponsor a trail hike that started in each of the towns and ended up meeting at a central point in the trail system for a mid-day cookout. Sponsorship and advertising costs could be shared.  

Mr. Unger discussed a similar co-sponsorship approach for a forest laws workshop. Mr. Wright said the Town’s meeting room could be utilized for such an event. Mr. Unger said he will contact the organization sponsoring the Forest Workshop to determine its interest in participating in a similar workshop in Newbury. He said the topics could include wetlands impact, landowner expectation from loggers, what a property owner can/can’t do regarding logging and what the laws cover regarding same.

Ms. Holmes noted that it is part of the Commission’s purpose to educate and facilitate information to the public.

There was general discussion regarding forestry and logging.

There was general discussion concerning global warming and its manifestations in the current and long term environment.

Mr. Wright made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Unger seconded the motion. All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Whittemore
Recording Secretary

DES Shoreland Impact Permits
  • December 8, 2010, to Waldeck Revocable Trust, 22 Axtell Drive, Scarsdale, NY, 10583, for property located at 164 Route 103A, Newbury, Tax Map/Lot # 19-133-251, to impact 2,288 square feet in order to pour foundation under existing cottage, remove existing deck, add a 4 foot x 6 foot roofed entry, and install a septic system.
  • December 17, 2010, to Laurel M. Matthews and Martha A. Matthews, 1313 Washington Street, Apt. 332, Boston, MA 02118, for property located at 150 Bowles Road, Newbury, Tax Map/Lot # 17-598-443, to impact 1,527 square feet in order to expand cabin, add deck and alter parking area for septic system.
  • December 21, 2010, to Alan/Kristen Retter, 35 Flagg Road, Hollis, NH 03049, for property located at 84 Forest Brook Road, Newbury, Tax Map/Lot # 35-023-236, to impact 22,270 square feet in order to construct a new residence with septic system and extend existing waterline and driveway.
  • January 28, 2011, to Hank/Mary Oolders, 17 Civic Street, Farmington, NH 03835 for property located at South Newbury Road, Newbury, Tax Map/Lot # 35-118-248, to impact 12,272 square feet in order to construct a home and driveway, with landscaping, retain walls, and septic system.
  • February 3, 2011, to Waldeck Revocable Trust/Patricia Waldeck, 22 Axtell Drive, Scarsdale, NY 10583, for property located at 164 Route 103A, Newbury, Tax Map/Lot # 19-133-251, for revised plans dated January 2, 2011, to add 200 square feet to cottage.